Buggies for city, country and travel
A buggy is a practical companion as soon as your child can sit. It is small and handy and super light. Most buggies only have one forward-facing seat, so we recommend them from around 8 months or 1 year old.
A buggy is a lightweight stroller that is particularly well suited if you are traveling and want to be flexible. The stroller can be used when your child is approximately 6 months old once it can sit. Some buggies can also be combined with a carrycot so that your buggy becomes a full pram and can be uses directly from birth. Particularly the buggy is suitable for travel, as it can always be folded up very small and is very compact and lightweight.
You are looking for the perfect buggy? And this needs to be compact, small to fold, very light and also very comfortable? Then hopefully this selection of our buggy recommendations will help you. Here we provide you with buggies for the travel, the country and buggies from birth.
If you want to go off on holiday soon or want to travel by car a compact and small buggy is a great help. Because if you are traveling with a child you already have a lot of luggage on board. Therefore we recommend for the next holiday the Babyzen YOYO 6+, Bugaboo Butterfly and the Joolz Aer buggy. These buggies are very small and can be easily folded. Especially the Babyzen YOYO can be fold so small that it can be taken on the plane as a hand luggage. These three buggys are not only great for traveling but are also at home in the city a great companion for you and your child.
Some buggies you can use directly from the birth of your child. So you have from the beginning a compact and small pram which can be converted later easily into a buggy. The buggies are simply complemented by a soft carrycot or a baby carrycot and so can be used for newborns. The buggies from birth we can recommend are the Babyzen YOYO 0+, Joolz Aer and the Baby Jogger City Mini 2 with a baby carrycot.