Pushchairs for children from sitting age
If your baby is too small for the carrycot, it's time for a pushchair that your child can sit in comfortably. In the beginning it is best to sit backwards to see you and later forwards to discover the world.
Easywalker Harvey 5 Air Premium pram set with Cybex Cloud G i-size baby car seat
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The pushchairs is used from about the 6th month, when the child can sit alone. In the time before, the pushchairs can be combined with a carrycot to be able to use it from birth. The pushchairs is very functional and offers you and your child much comfort. A pushchairs is available with either small swiveling front wheels or large fixed front wheels. The flexible front wheels are particularly advantageous and agile in the city, where the solid and large wheels offer more comfort on uneven ground.