Prams with baby carrycots, soft carrycots and hard carrycots
A pram accompanies you from the birth of your baby until the age of 3 or 4, depending on how long your child wants to sit in a stroller. For the first few months the baby lies in the carrycot. Later the prams turns into a pushchair and the child can explore the world while sitting. The prams are available with soft carrycots, hard carrycots or baby carrycots.
In the following we want to give you important tips on choosing your combi stroller and on what you should look for when buying the pram.
A stroller with 4 wheels has either two fixed or two swivel front wheels. The swivel wheels are usually smaller and make the stroller mobile and more maneuverable. The advantage of a 4-wheel stroller is that this is more stable when boarding on buses and trains or when lifting it up on the curb. Likewise these strollers are easier to take down or up on the stroller tracks on the stairs.
A 3-wheel stroller has a sporty look and features a fixed or swiveling front wheel. Despite prejudice the 3-wheel strollers are very stable and of course well tested by the manufacturers. Some 3-wheel strollers, also called jogger, athletic parents may even take for jogging. It's a matter of taste whether you finally choose a 3-wheel or 4-wheel pram.
A pram with swivel front wheels is mobile and maneuverable. Especially if you are walking in the city this is a great advantage. Most of the time the swivel wheels can be fixed so you have more comfort on uneven terrain and the stroller is running straight. Some manufacturers even offer outdoor axes for the prams - also called cross, quad or winter wheels. This allows you to take off the small swivel wheels and replace them in winter or for the forest against two fixed front wheels.
A pram with 4 or 3 fixed wheels is suitable especially for the forest, the country or the beach. The fixed wheels guarantee a better directional stability and are therefore comfortable on rough terrain because the wheels are usually larger. For the city the stroller with fixed wheels are rather unsuitable because they are less manoeuvrable and you have to tilt the stroller to change the direction.
The soft carrycot or combi carrycot is simply placed and secured on the seat of the stroller. Thus you do not need to remove the seat or the seat fabric. The soft carrycots are very lightweight and soft whereas the combi carrycots are lightweight and stable. Both carrycots are perfect for newborns.
The baby carrycots are directly attached to the frame of the stroller. For this usually the seat or seat cover can be removed. The carrycots offer lots of space and are larger than the soft or combi carrycots. In addition a small footmuff can be placed in the baby carrycot which makes it extremely cuddly and cozy.